Submit Event

If you would like to have your writing competition, or other writing event listed on the “Calendar for Writers ” website, please fill out the form below. Once received they will be reviewed by our editor and if found to be suitable they may be added to our listing.

While this is primarily an Australian based website International Art competitions may be listed as long as long as International Artist entries are accepted for entry.

Please make sure your text is proof read and the details are correct. Fill out the following form and make sure you include the following details:

  • Closing date of Competition ( or start and finish dates of event)
  • Name of Event
  • Brief description of event
  • Website address

Writing Event Details

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Name of Competition (required)

    Web Address (required)

    Closing Date

    Entries open to?( International, Country, State, resident of? )

    Description of Competition(required)

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